

  • Smart Islands Hub (2020- 2027)
    • Summary – Digital Innovation Hub in Madeira. It has been recognized as one of the seventeen DIHs that are part of the official network of Portuguese DIH and has been appointed by the Portuguese government to apply to be integrated into the European network of DIHs.
  • Tidy City (2022 – 2023)
    • Summary – Cities are no longer mere agglomerations of the population where public authorities have little to worry about beyond offering basic conditions for life in society. To remain attractive, cities must embark on a quest to continuously create conditions that increase the well-being of citizens through new services and infrastructures that improve education, mobility, security, leisure, welfare, spatial planning, and utility delivery. The Tidy City experiment proposes to equip vehicles with mobile devices to take pictures and later process them to detect and classify problems in publicly visible infrastructures automatically. The detected occurrences data will be shared with each corresponding partner for integration and operations optimization.
  • MiColEC – Microhubs Colaborativos para a Economia Circular (2022 – 2023)
    • Summary – Improvement of a collaborative logistics micro-hub system, using circular economy, reverse logistics, and game theory concepts.
  • CollMi – Collaborative Micro-hubs (2022)
    • Summary – The CollMi project aims to integrate FIWARE, iSHARE, and blockchain technologies in developing Collaborative Micro-hubs (CMH) that contribute to a more reliable and sustainable logistics value chain. Collaborative micro-hubs (CMH) is a new concept in the logistics sector based on advanced game theory methodologies, in which a group of logistics companies (express and freight forwarders) collaborates by sharing means and resources for the delivery of orders in a network of common logistics centers installed in strategic areas of urban centers. The main incentives for a logistics company to operate in a CMH are to reduce operating costs, improve the quality of service and cover a wider geographic area without major investments and upfront risks. The application of FIWARE, iSHARE, and blockchain technology to this concept will provide a framework for sharing and accessing data, respecting its sovereignty and ensuring that each retailer has access only to information regarding their own orders (or orders from their customers) and that each logistics operator has access to information relevant to its operation – whether it is their own orders or those that have been subcontracted to deliver or to be part of such delivery.
  • BIO BEX-A – Remote Control Solution for Sludge Treatment Plants Based on Sensors and Application Programs (2021 – 2022)
    • Summary – The BIO BEX-A project aims to provide a fully digital and centrally controlled sludge treatment plant, based on data analytics. Its main goal is to reduce the contamination caused by the residual sludge obtained in water treatment plants, dehydrating it up to 40% more than other systems in the market and, thus, avoiding its deposit in natural environments without the appropriate treatment and helping to fight against climate. BIO BEX-A has been designed as a sludge treatment service that operates through instrumentation and digital control technology capable of analysing the type of compound to be treated, salinity or pH, among other parameters, to later use the appropriate pressure and temperature to dehydrate the sludge, having on one hand, the toxic residue, which is eliminated and, on the other hand, clean water.
  • MFFiH – Madeira FiiHUB FIWARE iHub (2020 – 2025)
    • Summary – A digital innovation hub to promote and support innovative and smart digital solutions in Madeira’s local economy and public administration, focusing on the FIWARE framework. MFFiH aims to partner with local institutions and companies to: (a) Encourage the formation of internet-based businesses at a local level; (b) Increase businesses’ competitiveness; (c) Facilitate the diversification and internationalization of the local economy through scalable open, reliable, smart and disruptive Open Source technologies and standards.
  • Dynamic eGov – ICT Governance (2019 – 2023)
    • Summary – This project aims to promote the use of ICT, related to electronic administration, in the Governments of Macaronesia, improving public services, productivity, and effectiveness, as well as information/procedures and services to the citizens. The project partners will mainly develop: (1) actions to improve governance and promotion of a transnational cooperation network for the use of ICT. (2) Preparation of a single inventory of existing ICT applications and design a strategy to use them in each government (3) Develop and use ICT tools, implementing case-studies. (4) Coordination with the ICT sector of each region, for the evolution, maintenance, and growth of the ICT tools of Electronic Administration (5) Dissemination of the advantages of these tools.
  • Red GesFoGO – Comprehensive network of forest fire prevention and management through georeferencing in mobile observers (2019 – 2022)
    • Summary – The main objective of the project is to promote the cooperation between organizations, institutions, and companies for the development of a comprehensive network of prevention and management of forest fires in real-time, through mobile units with rapid deployment with auto georeferenced system, to achieve sustainable management in the forest environments characteristic of the cooperation territory.
  • FiiHUB – Creation and Execution of the First Digital Innovation Hub of the Internet of the Future for Technological Accelararion of SMEs in Macaronesia (2019 – 2022)
    • Summary – The FiiHUB project aims to create an ecosystem in the Macaronesia region, made up of the main economic actors, namely SMEs, start-ups, researchers, investors, etc. The project intends to bring together these stakeholders, who share a common interest in creating better conditions for the organizational effectiveness and success for everyone involved in an Innovation Hub, which should create synergies so that any business can take advantage of the European initiatives and all the digital opportunities. As part of this project, it is planned to provide SMEs from the Macaronesia region with business models and patterns, and modeling tools to better identify their processes and also to offer training in organizational model engineering using the DEMO methodology and language.
  • FIMAC – Future Internet Macaronesia-FIMAC – Future Internet Macaronesia (2017 – 2020)
    • Summary – Technological acceleration and internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) based in the Azores, Madeira, or the Canaries. Following an Open Call and some outreach events in 2017, in September 2017, 16 Macaronésia SMEs (2 Madeira, 2 Azores, and 12 Canary Islands) were selected to benefit from 60 hours of personalized strategic and technological consulting. These companies are developing a project during the year 2018, with the support of FIWARE tools and specialists from the FIMAC consortium, to create new business opportunities internationally. The projects of these 16 companies were evaluated in the first quarter of 2019 by an international jury, and 7 were selected to receive, by the end of 2019, additional specialized training in internationalization, with a view to the subsequent expansion outside the islands and their commercial strategy, participation in R & D projects and international trade agreements
  • Wiki based Organization Meta Modeling, Design, and Implementation – ARDITI (2014 – 2015)
    • Summary – The main goal of this project is to continue ongoing work realizing a long-term research plan that aims to develop a software platform to support collaborative and semantic web-based production of organizational (enterprise/company) models and diagrams that specify organizational processes, human and software responsibilities, information flows, procedures and other kinds of organizational artifacts. Such models should consist of a continuously and collaboratively updated “picture” of the reality of an enterprise that guides its collaborators in: (1) the perception of the global “organizational self” (2) the execution of their operational work, and (3) the creative process of changing the organization itself, including or not the change or implementation of software and related information technology. The information present in the produced models should also support automated or semi-automated generation of: (1) runnable workflows; (2) formal requirements for software to support such workflows, and (3) concrete software and interface program code.
  • eletronicgovernment@e-island.RAM-eletronicgovernment@e-island.RAM
    • Summary – Research and Development (R & D) services, in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (STIC), within the scope of the eletronicgovernment@e-island.RAM project. Requirements for: (1) dematerialization of DRAPPS internal workflows with a workflow system, as well as services provided to the citizen to be made available online; (2) Integration of the portal and workflow platform with the legacy systems of other regional and national governmental entities. Collaboration and consultancy in the production of the requirements for future public procurement of implementation of the systems designed.


  • Valentim Caires, Implementação de mecanismos de API REST no projeto GesFoGO e na plataforma Low-code DISME, 2024, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • João Vasconcelos, Integração de plataforma low-code com endpoints externos com API REST, 2024, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Vitor Freitas, Extension of action rule grammar and implementation of processing engine of a DEMO based low-code platform, 2023, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • João Mendes, Desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão de funcionalidades de Business Intelligence em plataforma low-code, 2023, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Guilherme Neves, Modelação de processos e implementação de protótipo para suporte à área de Urbanismo da CMF, 2019, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Maria Gonçalves, Modelação de serviços afetos à loja do Munícipe da CMF e implementação de protótipo de portal online, 2018, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Magno Andrade, Modelação e implementação de software de apoio a processos de logística, 2018, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Kátia Coelho, Princípios ontológicos dos atos dos documentos aplicados ao metodo demo: uma investigação no contexto da ontologia corporativa, 2017, Phd. – Available here.
  • Eduardo Vasconcelos, Gestão Web de Livros Digitais, 2017, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Carlos Figueira, DEMOBAKER – DEmo MOdels Based Automatic worKflow procEss geneRation, 2014, Masters Thesis.  – Available here.
  • Vitor Nóbrega, WAMM – Wiki Aided Meta Modelling, 2014, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Roberto Nunes, WOW – Wiki Aided Organization DraWing, 2014, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Rubina Castro, Applying DEMO to model a process and automate it in a workflow system – a case study in a city hall, 2014, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Duarte Gouveia, PAX ORBIS TERRARUM – Producing Applications with XHTML Organizations Redesign and Building of Information Systems Templated Extendable Resources for Rapid Application Reuse, Update and Maintenance, 2014, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Duarte Pinto, Analysis and Development of a Prototype Tool Based on Media Wiki and Semantic Media Wiki Integrated with a Design Modeling that Allows Modeling of Organizations Based on Demo, 2013, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Ana Neto, SysPRE: systematized process for requirements engineering in knowledge discovery projects, 2013, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Elsa Freitas, Integrating Semantic MediaWiki and Open Modeling Platforms for Production and collaborative Evolution of Organizational Models, 2013, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • Jorge Capela, Semantic MediaWiki adaptation to support Organizational Engineering, 2012, Masters Thesis. – Available here.
  • António Ferreira, Organizational modeling with a semantic wiki: formalization of content and automatic diagram generation, 2009, Masters Thesis. – Available here.